👨🏿‍⚖️No School ❄️Friday - Mon Jan 17th-20th👨🏿‍⚖️

3rd Grade

Dear Parents,

Welcome to 2023-2024 Third Grade at Marrama Elementary School! We are here to help your child succeed in third grade!

This packet is to give you the information you will need for the coming school year. Please review all the information and keep our contact information.

We are here to help your child grow and looking forward to working with your child in third grade! Thanks for supporting your student’s future and education!


Third Grade Teachers
Ms. Crumley
Mrs. Crissi
Ms. Ash

Third grade
Marrama School Phone Number: 720-424-5820

Ms. Ash – room 118
email: tiffany_ash@dpsk12.net
phone: 720-424-5880
Message on ClassDOJO

Mrs. Crissi – room 116
email: yvonne_casteel@dspk12.net
phone 720-424-5878
Message on ClassDOJO

Ms. Crumley – room 115
email: jennifer_crumley@dpsk12.net
phone: 720-424-5877
Message on ClassDOJO

Student Log-In:
Username: lunchnumber@dpsk12.net (for example: 558762@dpsk12.net)
Password: Numerical Birthday (for example: 02092010 )
You can always click log-in with GOOGLE and click your name.

SCHOOL SUPPLIES- It is really important that your child has the school supplies that were on the 3rd grade list. It is hard on your child when they do not have the supplies they need to successfully do their work, or have the correct notebook to do their classroom work in. There are a few supplies the classroom shares such as Clorox wipes, tissue, sticky notes, hand sanitizer, pencils, and glue.

FRIDAY FOLDER / HOMEWORK FOLDERS- Your child will be given a folder every Friday, called the Friday Folder. The folder will contain student’s HOMEWORK, completed work, newsletters, and other notes when applicable. Please take the time to look through the folder to stay informed. RETURN Friday folders as soon as possible, in the following week (Monday-Thursday).
***** HOMEWORK is due every THURSDAY. *******

HOMEWORK- Homework will cover 3rd grade Spelling, Reading, and Math. Homework is very important for additional practice and for learning responsibility. A homework packet will go home every Friday in the Friday Folder.

ATTENDANCE– Please send your child to school daily and on time, 7:45am to 2:45pm. The tardy bell rings at 7:55am. We have a very important year planned and have lots of things to learn! After 10 absences and/or tardiness we are required by law to notify the district of your child’s absences.

AFTER SCHOOL- School ends at 2:45, students need to be picked up promptly at 2:45. Students are not allowed to play on the playground after school.

BREAKFAST– Breakfast will be served in the classroom every morning from 7:45 to 8:05. School starts at 7:45am and the tardy bell rings at 7:55 a.m.

1. Follow all directions.
2. Listen when others talk.
3. Respect each other.
4. Always do your best.
5. Use kind words.
6. Share with others.
7. Always do your best work.
8. Be open to new ideas.
9. Clean up and help out.
10. Hands and feet to yourself.

FIELD TRIPS– Please make sure your child’s activity fee is paid. This fee pays the cost of field trips as well as transportation (bus). If the activity fee is not paid, students will be required to pay for the field trips.

*Please download the Dojo App, this is the best form of communication between home and teacher!
We use classroom Dojo, which is a phone app and the best way to communicate with the teacher. Parents can monitor student behavior and text a teacher.