2nd Grade

Wensdei Tongol rm:113

email: wensdei_tongol@dpsk12.net

Snack Time A healthy snack is provided by the school Tuesday-Thursday. If you would like your student to bring their own snack, please provide them with HEALTHY options. This includes: fruit, crackers, goldfish, pretzels, etc. Please have your student bring water DAILY. Students cannot have juice, soda, Gatorade, etc. within the classroom (These are allowed only in the lunch room)

Birthdays We love to celebrate birthdays in second grade! If you would like to bring a small treat for the classroom, please let me know ahead of time so I am able to give you a head count of all of the students in the classroom and/or if there are any allergies to be aware of!

Classroom Please make sure Friday Folders are returned every Friday so important information can be sent home. There are no toys/valuable items allowed. They may be a distraction for others and items can be easily misplaced

Homework Homework is given out every Friday and is not due until the following Friday. The homework is meant to continue student practice of what we do in the classroom. Because this is meant as a tool, I will not be using homework as a grade so it is okay if they do not finish it all!

Class Dojo Class Dojo is a great resource and an easy way to stay connected to the classroom and the school. This is also the best way to contact me about questions or concerns along with an easy way for me to reach out to you!

Classroom Rules Our classrooms are following P.R.I.D.E as well as the whole school. Please work with your student to practice showing PRIDE at school.

P- polite

R- responsible

I- involved

D- determined

E- excellent student

Behavior Management
a warning
a private discussion with the teacher
calm down corner
think sheet
ready to learn!
*a pink slip will be given if behavior isn’t changed*